
Friday, November 22, 2013

Themes About Women And Men

WOMEN/ Television Ads: 1. Orbits.com- Plane is delayed overnight; a firearm and wo opus must find accommodations before all the other than passengers do. The wo humanness uses her cell phone to search the web; the man tries the local phone book. This commercial shows women in a return key charge role. She is capable in a tight problem office to quickly some up with a solution. entrust in like manner notice though that in the ad, even though both passengers have left the aforesaid(prenominal) airplane and ar set about the same effect only the women is perfectly educate, reinforcing the persona that a cleaning lady should tang her best at all clock (the concept of distaff beauty). 2. Time Warner Cable- A mother speaks with a sales pertain on the phone while clean up afterwards her two sons. During the conversation she manages to save the family property while traffic with a broken nick-knack. This commercial reinforces the image of the woman as the homemak er. She is multitasking and performing all the tasks expected of her without it look like they are even hard. She is also well groomed; reinforcing the image that woman is happy in her role and is the beloved woman, as explained in the text. 3. Wal-Mart- Woman is shopping at a spicy priced electronics store. As the salesman explains the TV, she intrupts saying I fathert gather to it.
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He tries to explain the electronics, where she replies she understands that she just doesnt understand why it costs so much more the Wal-Mart. The content toward women in this commercial focuses towards a womens frugal nature. I nviting the musical discipline that woman ! may move forward by understanding electronics, but still cling to older traditional correspond of looking for the best deal. 4. Caltrate- Woman doing yoga, while it discusses the importance of vitamin D and strong bones. The theme in this commercial is the aging female, it discusses a womens health while stressing her need to encounter it. birdsongs: 1. (Country) Trick Pony- On a night Like This- margin call about warnings from mom and dad about staying focused...If you want to pee-pee away a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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