
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Philosophy Of Education

My Philosophy Statement on Education I opine that harboring is about building minds, creating futures. Building minds entails students possessing certain values much(prenominal) as integrity, honesty, respect for all things and people along with underdeveloped their academics. so in building minds students testament be fit to get to anything they put their minds to and create futures of their choice. Hence, as the educator I must(prenominal) provide an surround that leave behind nurtured and pro conductrates such sentiment. It is my opinion that the varianceroom environment must be comfortable whereby students atomic chip 18 able to express themselves freely both in talk and writing and recognize that making mistakes only ferment them stronger. The environment depart encourage sharing of ideas, co secret agent discipline and group work. I as the teacher leave alone be the facilitator in such environment providing hands on activities that will ensure the bui lding of students mind. The activities will cater for the multiples intelligences in the class so that each child will be apart of their erudition process. Further, as the facilitator, I have to control students views/opinions via duologue with my students. consequently, this will fosters intrinsic motivation and stimulates students passion to learn.
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Thus students will interpret themselves as taking ownership in their learning and will be motivated to work hard. channelise students along the path of building their minds to create their own futures will foster a society of young people who ar tolerant, res pectfully of other people views, open - mind! ed, objective, fair and stormily driven to be successful in whatever they do. As an educator I must lead by physical exertion and compositors case to my students my passion for learning. Thus imparting unto them that learning is life -long and growing their skills is continuous. However, they must never forget who they are; where they hap from and at that place will be challenges along the way. solely they must see these challenges as experiences to become...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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